...so I found out that there is nothing I can do about my job. If they want to fire me they can... there is nothing legally saying that they have to save my job for me. Not that they won't, but, not that they will... It is totally up to them and their "business plan".
Now there are some that would say..."well of course!!! Business is in the business to make money, not lose money, and you supposedly made money for them, and now you aren't...now you are costing them money." Ok.. I can understand that... I can understand that for 16 years I was apparently represented positive cash flow for them, or who ever they were at the time... since they changed names a few times down the road. I was a good employee, in the sense that I didn't cost them any money. I didn't create a problem, I did my work and then some, and I was no trouble. And I would still be today, and I still am today... but I can't complete my job, meet the objectives that make me an asset to the company. And... I don't know that I will be able to again.
Now that is also not mentioning that the past 3 years or so it has become increasing evident to me that I was becoming less and less of an asset to the company. I have been told that my work is just satisfactory, as opposed to stellar. I was just barely meeting my objectives in productivity, and with in the last year, I was told that I was paid too much money, 25% too much as a matter of fact. At another time I was told that my salary may be adjusted according to the overage, and I would have two choices, take it and deal with it, or take a package, and say good bye. That is in this wonderful job market of 9 1/2% unemployment. Add to that fact I am 52 years old, and have a "thing" in my head... or I am a stemmie (I love that, sounds better than thing in my head)
So add to that the fact that I can't do my job, and that I have a doctor who said that we will have to talk about disability before he said that he can't disable me...
So I ask you where does that leave me... See just like the company that I worked for is not in business for me to cost them money... I was not working all these 45 years to end up a pauper, homeless, losing everything I ever had or worked for, with nothing to show for it. Feasibly, that is what could happen to me. And you know what... sorry all you self righteous, pious yahoos... I really don't care about my companies business plan. I care about feeding my family.
You know those Atty,'s that everyone complains about.... well the very people that everyone finds fault with, are the very people necessary to make sure people don't lose their houses and go on food stamps.
So what is a person to do...someone explain that to me...I really want to know... I wake up everyday, and wonder if this is the day I will be better...and then I wonder to what end...!
My days of being an asset are over... I have officially, I guess, become a liability....
We know what happens to liabilities...
Calabresella is an internet guide. Every time I read her entries I find another brain stem angioma blogger out there in cyberspace. Heidi, I am Aly, and my cavernoma was surgically removed in April 2007 but I still fall down a lot and it has taken me three years to even begin to consider the possibility that I may be a liability and not an asset anymore. Sad, I am sad, and lonely, and cry a lot. My new doc says he may have something for the flooding tears. We shall see. You caN FIND ME AT http://countdown2brainsurgery.blogspot.com/
Thanks Aly... I will follow you...thanks for posting a comment... I don't feel like I am crazy, and I guess there are some people who understand... I just hope I can find a doctor who does. I will follow your blog also!! Don't let them make you feel like a liability... no one is a liability.. you are an asset to me...thanks for your thoughts!!
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