Thursday, October 21, 2010

I started a Blog/Hub with Recipes...

where I publicize what I made for dinner last night.  In fact that is what it is called. "What is for Dinner Tonight XX-XX-XX (that is where I put the date...)

It is my attempt at trying to publish recipes, and ideas.  It isn't much really, but I put it out there in the hopes that it would be of interest to someone... anyone.

It has been interesting, and I guess it is a start... well, I guess I am just down in general.  It is hard for me to get excited about anything right now.  I will keep it up, for what it is worth.  I guess if I am getting bored with it now... why wouldn't anyone else... right?

I have an appointment next week with a Neuro-Ophthalmologist.  She wanted a copy of my Neurosurgeons office notes, and I was happy to oblige, except, when I called his office I was told that there would be a charge of $1 a page for the first 25 pages, and then .25 a page there after.  Personally, I can tell her what he said, and it would be much cheaper.  So I will bring some of my MRI's (3 of them 2006, 2009, and 2010), plus the records from the Dr. in Tampa, which state that I have carcinoma, which is not what I have...because if I did... I would be dead right now... but don't question the expert...even if he is wrong. The note from Dr. Spetzler... which simply says that he is willing to operate, which is fine, but leaves out the part about, how I may not get better, and the recuperation will be long. Other than that... that is all I have...which really when you look at isn't much.  I saw a Neurologist, and she referred me to the Neuro-Surgeon.

My Ophthalmologist told me that I was going to have to navigate the medical system like this... and that is what I am doing... but while doing that, I am running out of time.  Don't take that the wrong way... when I say time, I mean.. I am running out of time where I will not be destitute financially.

So that is where the recipe hub comes in.

Well, anyway.. if you read this, and have any interest in the other, or find any redeeming value to the other... give it a try, and look at the ads associated with it.  It isn't going to make me rich... (not by any stretch of the imagination...), but it will give me a little bit of satisfaction to know that I am doing something that isn't totally useless...

I will get through this... not sure how I will come out on the other end though...

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