Saturday, April 23, 2011


... I am making curtains for the back door...  I should have made them a long time ago, but I am going to make myself do them today.  I will take a picture of them when I am done.

These will not be difficult curtains to make, but I have to force myself to do them.

Everyday I will try to accomplish something.  Today will be curtains.  I read my book outside this morning... "A Year in Provence" by Peter Mayle.  I am up to July.  Nice book...

I am starting to think about where things will go once we move down to the other bedroom.  It will be a few months, and I have a few things I need to do before that happens... and I will need to have the outlets for phone and cable switched, since I am thinking of changing up the furniture a bit.  But I think it will be very nice, none the less.

I have before and will have after pictures as that happens.  I also want to plan a trip out west to the National Parks.  That will be next summer.

As long as everyone stays healthy, we need to start doing things for us.  Since I don't think the house in Connecticut will ever work out for me...(deep sigh, oh well...never say never, so how about...probably will be a very difficult option.. how was that?), I want to spend my summer months going places that are NOT Florida.

This year we want to do a cruise, a trip to NY for the Steuben Day Parade on 5th Ave, a trip to the Finger Lakes Region, and maybe a trip to Williamsburg, Va. 

Oh... and if there is a Red Sox game on the way... that works for me!!

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