Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I am feeling bad for my actions...

Well, Monday night, George fixed supper for me... He made Lentil Soup, since I had to use the ham that was left over from the week before...

We used dried lentils, and Jacques recipe for Chunky Lentil Soup.

He wanted to fix it, and told me that he would watch the heat... so all the liquid wouldn't boil away.

Well I got home, the ride home was especially bothersome Monday night...and walked in the house and it smelled good... good sign, right. I looked in the pot, and it was refried lentils... I have to give him credit, I don't know how to make refried beans... well I haven't made refried beans, but either did he, and there was a nice big pot of refried beans on the stove...

Well, when I have told the story since, the unanimous response was, "Awwww, he tried...!" However my response was (and I didn't blurt it out, so give me credit for that), now what are we going to eat!?!

George immediately came over to the stove, and said, "I can eat it like that. It tastes good!" I thought, yea, well you can eat anything. I need to serve this to my Mother. I asked him if he used the container of Chicken broth ( 4 cups), then I asked him if he used the water (3 1/2 cups), and to both questions he answered, "yes".

This means that two quarts of water boiled off of this, the heat was so high under that pot. I notice that there was a nice skin of lentils stuck to the bottom of the pot, and there were dried lentils on the side, and even a dried lake of lentil juice , tell tale sign of the soup boiling over. But I didn't bring that up... I didn't feel that stating the obvious was going to solve anything. You have to give me credit for that also. So I went in the fridge and took out another, previously opened container of chicken broth, and poured it into the pot. Then added another cup or two of water. I couldn't eat anything, because I needed to be NPO for the last 4 hours before my MRI. So I called my Mom to taste it. Her first comment to me was... isn't that too thick?

Well, to make a long story a little bit shorter, I had to go upstairs. I was obviously irritable, and I was going to say things that would just be hurtful.

I guess I was just cranky, and needed some time to myself. Our cat Annie came up and laid by my leg on the bed, and just purred, while looking at me. I think she understood, and I am guess that George did too.

But I did over react, and now I am sorry for it.

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