It has been a little over two weeks since I posted last. I have since pulled out my cucumber plants. I found one cucumber on there, that might have turned into a viable cucumber, but it was too late. Besides, the others that I waited on rotted before they were big enough to pick.
I still have about 10 bell peppers left. That's not including the blossoms. I also haxe the eggplant plant, which I am sure will probably not go anywhere, but you never know.
As I said in the last post, the zucchini and the pickeling cucumbers are up, but they are slow going. I think that is because it has been very hot here. As I have said before, this is all a learning experience..
I have been auctioning stuff off on E-bay. Have made about $45.00. That is $45.00 more than I had a month ago. Now I have taken on a battle with the USPS. W e sent a package Priority- 2 day guarenteed delivery. As of 6-7-14, it still "out for delivery". So now I am about to wage war. And, here we go.
My sister was down for a week. She was on business so we only got to see her for 2 or 3 days. Otto loves her. It is pretty amazing. I think he needs more diversity in his day. Unfortunately I can't do that yet.
I made him a new daytime bed. I think he likes it.
I also got a milkweed plant. From what I have read, they re-seed themselves. We shall see. Butterflies love them, hopefully it works. A friend told me that the big hardware stores treat their plant with a insectcide that hurts bees and butterflies. Hopefully, that will change soon. They are much cheaper, and very convenient.
Well, I better go. I have a bunch of things to do!
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