Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I just read my last post...

...needless to say.. I feel compelled to continue the saga, and let you know that everything worked out fine.  I guess Wayne was having a bad day, and admittedly... so was I, when I read it now.

Anyway, we went away on vacation, and everything was fine.  Schatzie did fine, Wayne did fine, and we made it home fine.

What happened was.. I spoke to George and explained to him that I could not leave with the feeling that I had at that moment... about leaving Schatzie.  He understood, and he spoke to Wayne, and explained that, well, there were no variables here, and she needed to get the shots at the 12 hour increments, no deviation from that.

When George spoke to him, there were no excuses, comments, etc.  Maybe there weren't when I spoke to him, but it seemed to me that there were.

Well anyway.. there you have it.  No problems any longer.

Now we are planning a camping trip next month, and there is a question whether we should take Schatzie with us.  Part of me says no, and part of me says yes.  The jury is still out on that...will let you know.

As far as what's new.  Well it has been very cool lately.  Today however it is almost 80 degrees.  Anything over 80 and I start to get hot... I mean real hot.  I guess it doesn't help that I am sitting here with sweat pants and a long sleeve T-Shirt.  The last power bill that came in was very nice and LOW... almost half of what it was the month before.

Also, need to get some work done around the house, and don't have the inclination to do anything.

Well that is about it for now.  Will keep you posted on what happens with the camping trip. 

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