Thursday, June 08, 2006

Recently there was an exchange on another blog, about the Seminole County DEC. I contributed to that blog, periodically, one of my contributions was deleted by the moderator... not sure why, except that I stated some facts that, more than likely did not please some, regardless of whether they were "true" facts or not.

But... alas, the debate became heated, with as would be expected, not agreement or compromise, (I am not sure if the moderator really thought that it was possible) and she took down the blog. With an essay on how she respected and cared for everyone that contributed, naming people who did and didn't. Never passing an opinion, (totally expected... wordy when it suit her purpose, but when faced with direct questions, and inquiries on her opinion, suddenly she became jello), just making excuses. Well, I am not finished.... So here I will put one piece, my piece that no one can delete, or take down.

The leadership of the Seminole DEC is a smoke and mirrors show. A giant illusion. They don't have any standing in the state, in reference to DEC's and certainly don't have any real standing in the county. Honestly, do they think that Palm Beach County DEC looks up to Seminole DEC? Give me a break, you are not measured on your website, your Power Point presentations, the facility you have your meetings in, or how attractive (? that one I don't get at allllllll!) your chair is (supposedly, personally I don't see it, now bring on the jealousy remarks...)

In reality, the DEC is measured by the members. I have to say in our height, which was right around the summer of 2002, we were big. Bob Poe was the chair. He wasn't the greatest, and eventually stepped down, but it really had no bearing on the DEC. We didn't have a website, we met in the Seminole County Library, where we were thrown out promptly at 8:45. We had a few speakers, no Power Point. But we had sincere, active and excited members. Amazingly Bob didn't treat anyone different. In fact he was indifferent to the members. He didn't surround himself with fans.... most of the people involved were the original die hards that were around before the 2000 election.

The difference was the energy was created by the membership. Well, he stepped down, and I have to say, the reason or reasons were unjustified. He happened to be the State Chair at the same time, and his stepping down from that position, probably made more sense, but that is another story....

Then came Vic. He was a good guy. Tried hard, got involved in the right things, but unfortunately after losing the Governors election in 2002, people were just tired. Along comes the presidential election in 2004. I am not sure what happened there. Other than, egos. And not those of the chair or board, but of the volunteers. We brought in alot of new people. Not alot of members, but alot of people. But, they didn't have experience, and they didn't want to listen, and everyone wanted to be a leader. I happened as it was to back away at that time. I had illness in my family, and was traveling to NC through that summer, in addition to dealing with my own health issues and concerns. I am not sure where the breakdown came in, but it did, and when it was time for a new election, Vic was voted out.

Well, Carol and Ed (they are a team, Carol is the official chair, but Ed has way too much input, and output, from his mouth that is....) eventually became the head of the DEC. Initially they were new, young, had big ideas, and wanted to bring technology into the DEC. However what they did in the process is replace the passion, and energy of the members with that technology.... Well, say what you want, when was the last time you got passionate over a Power Point production. And, I am sorry but Carols personality quotient is down in the negatives. She may be bright, she may be technologically savvy, but in the passion department.... no way. She sapped the energy out, as she become more recognized. She became closed to outside ideas. She micro-managed every single angle of the DEC. She stopped letting club presidents speak, she was destroying the grass roots aspect of the DEC. Then Ed started with his behind your back comments. He started talking about people, passing rumors, building alliances. Clicks started forming, and it was fast becoming you against them.

Well needless to say, about 7 months ago, Ed and Carol took an oppurtunity to take their click or alliance, and turn them against George and I... I actually was not part of the prey, but, I made myself such, because what you do to George, you do to me....

To make a long story short, when he realized they were not happy with him, he offered to resign, of course the two of them were shocked by the mention of this, and told him that was not necessary, however, with in 4 weeks, he received an e-mail telling him that he must want to resign, so they will accecpt his resignation.

Now some background.... The Longwood election was first week in November. Election day I had an opthamologist appointment, to check my vision after the stroke. I was told that my vision was affected by the stroke, and that it might pass, but I was also told that I was developing Glaucoma. So, that night we decided not to go to the "victory" party. I was not in a festive mood, and I also did not want to be around the likes of Carol and Ed. George complied, and we opted to stay home. The results came in, and the DEC backed candidates did not win. At about 9:30, George got a call from Carol. She told him that they were having a wrap up meeting the following night at Shari's house. It was at 7:30. We agreed to go. I told him when he hung up the phone that this was an oppurtunity to throw him under the bus, and he needed to be aware of that. Also, that when the slaughter started, I was getting up and leaving. It didn't matter if I had to walk home, I was not going to sit there and listen to them.

The next day, I left work early for a doctor and dentists appointment. When I got home, Eric, our cat was ill. He had experienced and episode of a bleeding disorder in the past, and had almost died. The vets office was closed, so I called George, and told him our only option, after calling various vets offices, was to take him to the emergency clinic after my dentists appointment. When he got home he agreed, and that was the plan. On my way home from the dentist I called Shari to tell her we might not be able to make it to the meeting, because Eric was ill. She actually chuckled on the phone. I am serious, she laughed. She apparently found it humerous that we would not want to show up for the meeting... (the meeting they were going to gather people around to have and "intervention" with George, and apparently set him straight.) I told her that if he was ok, and we felt comfertable leaving him home after the visit to the emergency clinic, we would come. She chuckled again and said, the meeting is at 7:30, you should be able to make it. I told her I knew, and I we could make it we would. Eric died that night, he bled to death internally. Needless to say we didn't go to the meeting.

Oh but the meeting went on. 45 minutes of the meeting was dedicated to slaming and slandering George. Mostly by Ed. The way we know, Richie Chapetto was there, and he said at one point that he was not going to sit there for another minute and listen to this, especially if George was not there to defend himself. In fact, it was Ed Burns, who was just blown away by the fact that it would take two people to take a cat to the vet. Shari, must have really put her spin on the whole event. And Ed, finished it. I believe Richie said to them at one point, you better hope that cat doesn't die. Well, Eric did. I still get very upset when I think about it.

About 3 days letter, Carol Cox sent George a rather nasty e-mail, stating that she was willing to accept his resignation, based on the fact that he doesn't show up for meetings, chooses to "insult" people (?) among other things.... Then come to find out that members of the board were telling people that George resigned because he didn't get his way.

Sounds like alot of nonsense doesn't it. Sounds like alot of petty individuals. Well you are right, they are, each and every one of them. And that is why Goerge and I don't care to be around any of them. Not Shari, Ed, Carol, or any that were involved at the time. Also, then come to find out that Mr. Hot Head Ed Burns starts telling members that George was fooling around with someone behind my back while I was sick.

So Martie Anderson can say what ever she wants on her blog. She can think the sun set and rises in Carol and Ed eyes. She can tell me how she admires George and I, but you know what... it doesn't matter. She chose sides. She didn't care about the kind of people they are. She didn't care how they can hurt someone so deeply, and she expects everyone to just "get along".

Not with the like of them... I will continue to tell people what they are like.

This is just my story. There are others that have affected others, but they can start their own blog and post them. I don't have the time, nor do I want to spend another minute on them.

Suffice it to say, they are not good people. Plain and simple. I don't respect them, I don't wish them well, and I really wish they would go away.....

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